Public organization on assistance of low-income and deprived people, Moscow


Basic Functions of the Organization

It needs to grant to distressed people the complex methods of poverty alleviation and to show them “the pilot installation” in order to light a bright fire of a renewed creative enthusiasm in hearts and minds of people aimed to rally people for joint transformations in their life-sustaining activity. A team work also allows implementing new methods for supplying consolidated work and bringing up renewed people consciousness. The force of team consolidated through common interests will wipe off all the barriers on the way to independent becoming – self-becoming. The majority of World’s people suffers not being involved in independent becoming by their own hands, intellect, experience and energy.  Otherwise without all these components this effective people development is not going to happen. Now humankind is burning uncompletely in coals of obsolete democracy.

Only the revolutionary transformations can give a revolutionary effect. But it is impossible to fulfill the revolution through obsolete methods and inefficient weapon. Humankind needs nation-wide democracy as a tool which will turn the world up to the best side of development for every citizen. We worked out the details of such tool to smarten them in brains of people not indifferent to the destinies of people who suffer innocently and also to sick existence of the world community.





1.      Renewed development of the world community in all the spheres of its activity by force of awakening, rallying, and supplying for creation of the community of the best national representatives.

2.      Reduction of distressed people quantity by their own hands.

3.      Alliance of weal of the whole people for the perfection of basic directions of humankind development.

4.      Elimination of exchange inflation by national methods.

5.      Industry and service development through social transformations.




Enforcement of the large package of our new national programs.




Rallying of nations and states, gutter and the toffs for effective development of the world community.




Intellectual- organizational transformations:

-          nation-wide MSM;

-          statements of work;

-          “Interstate creative teams” – ICT;

-          rallying of population by new methods;

-          full supplying of the fruits of ICT` labors and united nations.


The structure of proposed transformations:

1.      Intellectual- organizational.

2.      Social.

2.1. Self-feeding.

2.2. Self-creation of the goods and delivery of services.

2.3. Self-building.

2.4. Self-training of high qualification.

3. Nation-wide industry.

4. Basic services.

4.1. Finances.

4.2. Trade industry.

4.3. Transportation.

4.4. Building.

4.5. Health improvement.

 5. Renewed national policy.


1.      Intellectual- organizational transformations.

1.1.      Creation of state-wide nation-wide MSM.

1.1.1. Familiarization of universe with new best practice concerning   independent becoming and development, awakening the masses to creative and constructive transformations of their life.

1.1.2. Publishing of “Specifications of requirements” on working out of actual transformations in all the spheres of life-sustaining activity of the world community.

1.1.3. Creation of rubricator for the effective adaptation of materials on population reaction.

1.1.4. Detecting the authors of the most effective proposals and rallying them in “Interstate creative teams” – ICT with full supplying of experiment and large-scale implementation of the fruits of their labor.

1.1.5. Rallying of population by new methods for experiment and large-scale implementation of ICT projects.


It is impossible to start a complex implementation of the national programs package without renewed intellectual-organizational transformations. Utilitarian way will not give beneficial action.


2.      Social programs.

2.1.            Self-consistent feeding of people - self-feeding.

2.2.            Independent creation of goods and services delivery.

2.3.            Self-building.

2.4.            Self-consistent accelerated training in high qualification in one’s job.


2.1. Self-feeding.

2.1.1. Participation of municipal national wealth in agricultural  


2.1.2. Town farmers.

2.1.3. Part-time farming of new type.

2.1.4. Yard feeding.

2.1.5. Universal engine and all-purpose agricultural equipment.

2.1.6. Implementation of a complex package of national programs for

elimination of all the wasteful expenditure in all the branches of

nation-wide social chains.

          2.2. Self- creation of goods and services delivery.

          2.2.1. Nation-allied creation.

          2.2.2. Off hour.

          2.2.3. Watch-based, yard, and others.

          2.2.4. Complex implementation of national programs.

          2.3. Self-building.

          2.3.1. “Public union of self-builders” – PUSb.

          2.3.2. Mobile house of high-speed building.

          2.3.3. Universal factory on batching and grouting.

          2.3.4. Universal casing.

          2.3.5. Universal building machinery.

          2.3.6. Participation of producers and services providers in self-


          2.4. Self-training of high qualification.

          2.4.1. MSM training.

          2.4.2. Training on the shop floor and in offices.

          2.4.3. Practical training in national centers.


          3. Nation-wide industry.

          3.3.1. Rallying of nations, states and subject of industry.

          3.3.2. Off hour national creation of outputs and delivery of services.

3.3.3. All-round participation of population in reduction of wasteful

expenditure in all the branches of national creation chain.

3.3.4. Participation of producers in business on exploitation of theirs

outputs and in neighboring branches of its development.

3.3.5. Creation of the all-purpose output.

3.3.6. Building of universal large-tonnage containers, automobiles,

railway carriages, ships and transnational lays of line.

3.3.7. Universal cranes, wharves of new generation, sluices, docks.

3.3.8. National Armed Forces (uni-machinery and home army).


4. Basic services.

4.1. Finances.

4.1.1. Interstate Bank of National Asserts – IBNA.

4.1.2. Renewed national methods of: credit activities, credit security,    

insurance, self-crediting.

4.2. Trading.

4.2.1. National self-distribution.

4.2.2. Summary contracts in the years ahead.

4.2.3. Wares crediting.

4.2.4. Swapping renewed business.

4.2.5. National suitcase traders.

4.2.6. Complex trading.

4.3. Transportation.

4.3.1. Summary center of Interstate People Transport Union on  

completing and traffic control of cargo.

4.3.2. National freight traffic activity.

4.3.3. National unions on procurement, processing and supply by

cheap fuel and lubricants for transport.

4.3.4. Articulated lorries and road-trains of lorries.

4.3.5. Tug of new type, caravan and marine freighting.

4.4. Building activity.

4.4.1. Participation of national producers of all the building

components in gaining received from the implementation and

functioning of construction projects.

4.4.2. High-speed building of cottages and high-rise buildings.

4.4.3. High-speed building of universal arterial roads, multi-level

junctions and bridge crossings.

4.4.4. High-speed building of port structures and transfer facilities of

new generation.

4.4.5. Anti-sleet coverings of skyways.

4.5. Health improvement.

4.5.1. Yard centers on health improvement.

4.5.2. Health improvement at the workplace.

4.5.3. Joint cheap health improvement.

4.5.4. Mobile centers on health improvement.

4.5.5. Natural pure drinking-water.


5. Renewed national policy.

           5.1. “People unions” and “Interstate People Union” – PU and IPU.

           5.2. People's democracy.

           5.3. People's civil servants.

           5.4. Electorial people programs with expenses next lower order than  

           traditional which insure the victory on elections.

           5.5. People's president.

           5.6. People's parliament.

           5.7. Nation-wide globalism.

           5.8. Young people renewed rallying.